Selling Hormones in Harlem

Hey sexies,
Please tell me you saw Project Runway's drag queen challenge last night? Possibly my favorite episode since the Santino years. RuPaul judging!! I was mesmerized by her blinding white smile and effortless delivery of the following (paraphrased) criticism: "We want these girls to look glamorous, aspirational...not like they're selling hormones in Harlem." Adam was like, hormones? But when I explained the some particularly desperate transgendereds buy/sell their lady hormones on the black market, he marveled at Ru's sparkling wit, too.

Speaking of sparkling, lately my hair has NOT been. See, I have these ancient, dead highlights that have totally oxidied into a brassy mess. And since I'm pregnant, I haven't been able to refresh the sad shade with new color. Quite frustrating, until I stumbled upon Clairol Natural Instincts's new Golden Shimmer Haircolor Collection ($9.53, each). This genius new line of temporary haircolor does nothing more than impart a natural-looking, sparkly golden overtone to your hair, instantly refreshing tired color. And since there's no ammonia (and it's only depositing color, not stripping it), the shades are totally safe for pregnant ladies! Bonus: Each kit contains 6 glorious weekly conditioning treatments that, so far, have left my hair impossibly glittery and glowy. I'd definitely suggest Golden Shimmer to ladies who've tired of their highlights, but don't want to or can't commit to re-dying. Oh, and FYI, my shade is Golden Mahogany. Enjoy!
LOL! You've got to love Ru Paul.
You do have to love RuPaul!
Sadly, my cable wouldn't display CHANNEL 82 only last night, so I missed Project Runway. But since it's Bravo, I'm sure I'll be able to see it this weekend after the cable guy comes....for the record, Adam is so cute not knowing these things.
Me and a group of girlfriends were watching it last night and all wondered the same thing!
Thank you for the hormone explanation! :)
How hormon-a-licious!
I watched last night but was struck by RuPaul's cheekbones moreso than her white teeth. I know brotha/sistagurl went and got some more enhancement. True, he's always had prominent cheeks. Maybe that's just weight loss in the face.
Anywhoo, the hormones in Harlem line was def a laugh.
Funny enough, when I saw it I thought about how some chicks sale their birth control to the transgendered kids so they can get boobies and hips!
I saw that episode last night. I haven't seen RuPaul in Drag since his talk show in the 90's. He looked kind of like Wendy Williams with the new blonde hair-do, but he was still fabulous.
OH MY GOD! I love RuPaul!!! My sister and I used to watch Ru's talk show after school all of the time - so funny! RuPaul is the Queen!
Where has she been hiding out?
I loved the hormones line, too. I thought Ru Paul looked too thin in the face, but was still doin' work! Loved the episode.
Ashley-nicole I thought Ru paul looked like wendy also, glad to know im not the only one...
Finally a fabulous episode! LOVE RuPaul.
The Natural Instincts line has peroxide though. Is that safe for relaxed hair?
I LOVE THE HILLS! even though it might be scripted its still a good show and i don't think i could ever stop watching
I too have been a follower of Rupaul and I was a bit disappointed in the choice of lace front. Also the L cheek game was a bit to the left as well. I hope 'she' is well.
espinedora89 (please, for the love of God, tell me that is not your birth year. You will make me feel so OLD), I think you will find that the general consensus is that those w/ relaxed hair should avoid peroxide if possible. Please see the link below about how to color relaxed hair:
Tia...I am so glad that you said something about the Santino far that was the BEST season of Project Runway to date!!!!
Very cool! I recently bought a shower filter and it has improved my skin and hair incredibly, my little beauty secret ;)
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