Coiffure Cocktails!

Dear ladies,
It's come to my attention that I'm sort of relaxer-centric when it comes to SYB's hair coverage. I knew it had gotten bad when SYB Babe Tabitha left a comment begging my sister Lauren, she of the perfect au natural curls, for advice. Anyway, I decided it was high time for a natural hair momentito! I turned to my good friend Kimberly Lyons, who's chemical-free hair is positively iconic in my little circle (there she is...isn't she cute?). A few facts about Ms. Kimberly:
* As a VP at MediaVest, one of the country's largest communications agencies, our girl plans media strategies for fancy clients like Wendys, Coke, P&G, and Mattel.
* She's from Dallas, but has no opinion on the Simpson/Romo affair.
* Her flyness is such that, at age 10, she won a major national pageant.
* A couple of years ago, she embarked on the always-traumatic, growing-out-the-perm adventure...and she doesn't regret it for a minute. "I will never go back to chemicals," insists Ms. Lyons. "What made my transition successful was finding the right mix of hair cocktails! For a year, I put sooo much energy into trying every product imaginable for kinky, wavy, and curly hair...and now my mix is foolproof."
Girls, Kimberly has been generous enough to share with us her top secret hair cocktail mix! Here are the recipes. Happy hairstyling!
1.) First shampoo, and then condition with Kiehls Extra-Strength Conditioning Rinse with Coconut ($13).
2.) Massage a palm-size amount of Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding ($22) throughout soaking wet hair (for the uninitiated, this is the Holy Grail of curly magically stretches out tight curls). Your hair should be saturated in the stuff.
3.) For an easy, defined look, "finger-shingle" your curls. Here's how: Starting at nape of neck, grab sections of hair between your index and middle fingers, and smooth from root to tip. Once done, diffuse or air-dry. This process helps loosen your curls while adding gorgeous, frizz-free shine.
1.) After shampooing, condition with Nexxus Humectress Conditioner ($24.99)--it's super-moisturizing and excellent for natural hair.
2.) To soften hair and prevent that 80's crunch, apply a nickle-sized dollop of Miss Jessie's Curly Buttercream ($32) to wet hair.
3.) Massage in a palm-full of Jane Carter Solution Condition & Sculpt ($9.99), an excellent, liquidy gel that's awesome for wet-styling (tons of hold without weird stiffness). Make sure your hair's really coated.
4.) Now for the "twist-out!" Using a fine-tooth comb, grab a medium-sized section at the nape of your neck. Split it in two, and then twist the sections around each other. Repeat until your whole head is twisted (that sounds funny). No need to make the twists perfect! Honestly, this should take no more than fifteen minutes or so.
5.) Allow your hair to air-dry for a little bit before bed (this decreases frizz). At bedtime, wrap your head in a silk scarf. In the AM, gently undo the twists and finger-style. Voila! Haute hair on a platter!
Gracias Kimberly!
Thanks for this post! I recently did the big chop (cut off all that pretty-but-damaged relaxed hair) and it was breaking my heart to not find much on my fave beauty site (SYB, of course!) for naturals.
More and more brown women are going natural all the time, so if you could address hair products for naturals on even a semi-regular basis, that would be awesome...
Very cool post. She's gorgeous!
Beautiful hair (and brows!)
anyone looking for natural hair tips should check out and search they pages of (girls have hair diaries in which they share tips on products and styles). Learn all about co-washes, no-poo, lo-poo...there is a whole world of natural care really helped me.
She's really beautiful! And I really empathize with finding the right cocktail. Shani-o, you're going to have to go through a lot of trial and error (mostly error, I'm afraid), but hopefully posts like this will help shorten your search for natural perfection!
Thanks, Tia!
great post!
thank you for sharing the products she uses. I also love supportng black owned businesses such as karen's, asha's, oyin's and qhemet's. They work so hard and whip up wonderful products.
I've heard great reviews about Jane Carter line. I should try it.
I hope the pregnancy is going well...blessings:)
i second that amina...i love Oyin whipped pudding..a staple of mine
Thanks as always! I have natural hair and I'm always looking for the perfect combo to go with my Miss Jessie's addiction! I really needed an overnight solution though so this is parfait!
This may have just saved me further years of hair distress.
she looks gr8!...I'm a little on the fence about Miss Jessie's products...
btw: a little off topic, but I need to know where you got your Everybody Loves A Papi t-shirt! I too...Luv the
Her hair is gorgeous!!!! Great post.
I love her hair! In my alternate life, I have beautiful wash and go curls like those. But for now, I remain among the relaxed hair ladies. lol. But you do have a great point though; you don't want to ignore the natural haired ladies. I think you have more hair care related posts in general.
this post is awesome. As a person who has been natural all her life, i am really refreshed to see somebody of her position wearing her hair natural. i love her hair and will definitely try her hair regimen.
Ahhh I remember my natural hair days. Circa age 18-22...LOVED IT. But ooh the time and cocktail mixtures! I always kept Carol's Daughter and Stay-Sof-Fro by my side. LOL.
Love the post, she's absolutely gorgeous! Beauty Am Eye...check for the Papi tee. Yo quiero papis tambien! ;-)
Thanks for the post Tia! I had my hair natural for five years and I loved it. Check out for more priceless tips. Even if you decide to relax later on, going natural is great. Your hair will thank you!
Is there anyway to contact your friend directly? I have NEVER been able to twist my hair in 15 min. It always takes at least 1.5 hours. I have a 6 month old baby so any shortcuts are much appreciated!
Kimberly is one fly chick.
I wore my hair natural for years while on west coast....dry air is so forgiving. But, since moving south had to go back to perming....humidity is evil.
I have been wanting to go natural again, but dread the transition.
Will just have to try harder to find my perfect cocktail because it is so worth it.
This information makes me hopeful...thanks.
PS...would also like info on the Papi tshirt too.
Teeluv I find it interesting that you decided to relax after moving to a humid environment. My mother lives in Cali, and when I go to visit her, my poor curls just throw up their hands and say "We quit!" because of the arid, free-radical infested ocean air. But when I was in the ATL for school, I couldn't relax, because the humidity wouldn't allow my hair to stay straight.
tabitha - guess it does seem strange.
i lived in arizona...dry desert air. i would dampen my hair in the morning and used paul mitchell the conditioner mixed with sebastian potion 9. by the time i got to work i would just fluff and finger thru it and it would fall into curls and rings.
when i moved here, mid summer, tried that and my hair looked like a wet gheri curl...ugh.
for some reason my perm is not effected by the humidity. but, i usually do a roller set with lottabody and then wrap it for staying power.
hey there!
live yourself I don't use chemicals, but I do get my hair straightened. I LOVE my natural texture, but the frizz leaves a lot to be desired. I've gotta learn how to train my hair to be natural ... just as I'd learned how to train it to be straight.
I understand, frizz is no joke and John Frieda is not the answer! Kerastase Oleo-Relax spray is AMAZING, use it with their Bain Oleo shampoo and masque for incredible frizz-free shininess. Is that a word? Well, it is now. Maybe Tia has comments on the products, I'm sure she knows better than I do! The Diaspora Hair Care forum: is also full of brilliant women who leave great comments on how to battle the frizz! Of course, if all else fails, I hear wigs are coming back with a vengeance!
Good Luck!
I'm always surprised when people say they still like Miss Jessie's. Your girl's hair is fab by the way. You can create your own concoction, or find something better than the girls are Miss Jessie's elsewhere. Saying that though, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Thanks for the tips!
Thank you! I've had short natural hair for about 5 years and want to grow it out, but my last attempt ended in frustration and I cut it all off again. I'm going to try these cocktails and styling tips.
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Thank you so much for this post! I'm still searching for the right cocktail, so I'll give these products a trial run.
All I have to say is transitioning is not "always traumatic"... its so irratating when someone who has never grown out a relaxer falls and bumbs their head thinking they have a clue...
@ mareesa - it takes me 1.5 hours too! although, when it does take like a half hour when i just whip through it from laziness. I used to use Miss Jessie's curly butter cream ($60) and it's great, but sometimes it actually left my hair staight as if I was using an SCurl or something...
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