My Own Lil' Accidental Diva!

Hey girls,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you guessed it the second I started making noises about a "weird stomach thing." I'm totally pregnant!!! Yep, exactly 4 months pregnant with my very own miniature SYB Babe (saw the most recent ultrasound pic on Monday and she's just the most sophisticated, brilliant little thing, ever!!). Me and Sunshine have been trying for yeeeaaars, so you can't imagine the joy! It was HELL trying to keep it a secret until I was comfortably past the scary first trimester, but now I'm happy to shout it out into the blogosphere. I'M WITH CHILD AND LOVING IT! I really didn't care which sex I was having, but I have to admit I'm tickled to death that I'm having a girl who can appreciate my unique beauty talents (having said that, I'm sure Little Cabezitas will shun blush application lessons in favor of a playing street basketball with the homies). Do any of my mommy readers have any advice for moi? Obviously, I'm terrified by every little new thing that's happening to me...swollen ankles, hair popping up in interesting places, sprinting to the ladies' loo at every commercial break. And when do I get Halle's rack?
Oh, and about the controversial Saks dress. For all of you so quick to jump all over my "character"...I never said I actually PAID for it, did I? I have a high-up friend at the store who lent me the gorgeous dress for the event. I'd lost ten pounds from first trimester nausea and was a size 0 (I'm usually a 4), I thought it was silly to buy a dress that I'd never be able to wear again. Voila, le story in a nutshell.
Now, back to me and my bump. Being me, I've already started testing out all the maternity/baby beauty products on the market...and believe me, some of them are too damned good to be relegated solely to PG ladies and little ones. They're usually formulated for sensitive skin and contain lots of natural, mild ingredients--so they're perfect if you've had it up to here with harsh chemicals and fragrances. Here, I've rounded up the top five maternity/baby products that ANYONE can use. Enjoy, because I certainly am!!!

1.) Aveeno Baby Calming Comfort Lotion in Lavender & Vanilla ($5.29): What's better than the lavender/vanilla combo? Aveeno's super-gentle lotion is lightly scented with this uber-relaxing essential oil blend, plus it's loaded with colloidal oatmeal, which helps your skin retain moisture for hours.

2.) Kiehls Baby Lip Balm ($7.50): I have a girlfriend who, bizarrely enough, is allergic to most lip balms (her lips swell to Jimmie Walker proportions if a Carmex is in the vicinity). I introduced this soothing balm to her, and she recently bought five of her own. It's actually mild enough to use on dry nose and cheeks during the winter. And yeah, it's a baby lip balm, but somehow the Kiehls factor makes it so glamorous!

3.) Susan Brown's Baby Just for Mom Stretch Therapy Warming Masque ($40): I'd never heard of Susan Brown's Baby before my baby product quest, but now I'm obsessed. This warming mask is formulated for pregnant bellies and boobs, but anyone with stretch marks can benefit from it's genius! Blended with jojoba, peppermint shea butter and dead sea salts, this treatment is designed to help fade stretch marks anywhere you have them. To use, massage onto the marks, and when the mask changes colors, spritz water over the area. Continue massaging for three minutes, and feel the mask actually heat up on your skin! Then, shower off. It's the coolest thing.

4.) Burts Bees Baby Bee Pint-Size Buttermilk Bath Soak ($16.49): You know I'm a girl that loves baths. Well, this HUGE buttermilk bath soak totally enhances the experience (and I love the old-school pint o'milk bottle). Ninety-seven percent all-natural, the only ingredients are nonfat dry milk, whole dry milk, and light fragrance...and if you add just a couple of tablespoons under the faucet, it turns the water into a milky, moisturizing spa bath. So nice right before bed.

5.) Weleda Baby Calendula Soap ($16): Weleda is a high-grade European organic beauty line that makes exquisite bath products...and their baby line is no different. This non-drying, calendula oil-infused soap is IDEAL for sensitive skin. It's so gentle you can even use it on your face! And the clean, fabulously non-synthetic scent is addictive, addictive, addictive.
OMG!!! even though we knew it nice to KNOW..have it confirmed. SO happy for you!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so excited and happy for you. You are going to be the chicest mamacita ever. I can just see you now rocking a maxi dress with your lovely new bump! :-)
I knew it. As a mom of two, I welcome you into the fold. Motherhood is a blessing and you and your hubby will be wonderful parents.
Please holla if you need any advice that's REAL. LOL
Also,for laughs....go read this and see if you're ready.
My life with my boys is crazy but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Besides, how cute will you and your little Diva be????
sorry i ran to post as soon as saw you were preggers w/out finishing the post...The one thing i tell all women that are expecting is to watch out for when your milk comes down...NO ONE TOLD ME and my rack felt like bricks (i do know women who never had that experience) but i did...the first time the milk came down it hurt...other than that for the halle berry rack, im a 32dd my breast got even larger so i was happy to go back down
CONGRATULATIONS! This is awesome. For me, holding my first son- I have three boys and one girl- felt like pure love, like nothing I'd ever felt before; not even for my husband, parents or siblings. I do love them but this was different. Honey, it's like a bolt through your heart. Anywho, I am so happy for you and your hubby.
ps- when I was with child the first time I used a product called mother's friend in a hourglass shaped blue bottle. I got it from Wal-Mart- I think from the pharmasist. Rub it on the tummy it keeps the stretch marks at bay.
Congrats! very exciting news. and thanks for the tidbit about "the dress". :-)
Congratulations to you and your husband on the new addition!!!! I am sure that she will be absolutely beautiful. Just stay hydrated with lots of water and be sure to take it easy and relax. Best wishes!*!*!
so excited for you and i don't even know you...friend in my head 4eva! :)
How SWEET!!! Yeah, you were not that vague in you're hints, LOL! How exciting, your first baby. I was clapping with excitement as if I know you personally. Congrats! So happy for you and Adam. Many blessings to come!
BTW-- I'm not a mommy, but when one of my cousins had her first baby, the "mommy gene" kicked right in as if she had 5. Those maternal instincts will come to you as natural as your beauty advice.
Congratulations. Here is a book that I have brought all my pregnant peoples. The Mocha Manual to a Fabulous Pregnancy by Kimberly Seals Allers (HarperCollins; $14.95) is a must-read, must-have, must-devour pregnancy guide for all expectant black moms.
Congratulations!!!! :-) and I'm glad you cleared up the Saks story for all those who jumped on the bandwagon...But enough about that...My very good friend just had a baby, and I'm emailing her this post asap. As always, thanks for the tips...
I must have missed the
post where you mentioned the stomach thing! What great news. Congrats Tia :)
As adorable as you and your hubby are you li'l Diva is going to be sooo adorable :)
OMG!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I have been reading your blog for 1 full year and I am so happy for you!! I am SUPER HAPPY that you have products for all of the soon-to-be mommies out there!!I am ALSO 4 months preggers as well, and believe me I have been looking for products!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to try each and EVER one of them!!! Keep the preggers products coming!!! Congrats to you & your Hubby!!
Awwwwww, the baby!! Congrats!
Contratulations Tia - I'm so happy for you!
Congratulations!! God bless you and your family....especially that little angel coming your way.
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you!! Even though like everyone is saying we knew it, its great to hear you say so. Imagine that hair, that skin those genes!! And youre going to be a great mommy.
Awww! How exciting! Unlike most of these ladies, I didn't exactly pick up on the clues =) I'm sure your little girl will be just as fabulous as you! Congrats again to you and your hubby =0)
Aww, congrats to you both! I've never been so excited for someone I didn't know to have a baby, lol. That's really great!
OMG! congratulations Tia!
It is so exciting!
Thank you for the recommended products. You can never go wrong with Lavender and Vanilla :)
Congrats!!! Drink plenty of water... Have as much sex as you can...oh yeah exercise (continue)
Yes, you will get a widened nose and swollen body parts, but you, if you are fortunate, you will urinate the fluids in 2 weeks. *Sorry for keeping it too real* As a very new mom myself, I can attest to the info ;)
Wishing you and your hubby all the best! Congrats!
I'll be saving all the pregnancy recommendations until it's my turn.
Congratulations that is wonderful news. Enjoy every moment.
Product Junkie Diva
Good for you Tia, now I hope you wont bore us non-mommy types with every update concerning your preganancy cuz to be very honest...I DON"T CARE!
I don't have kids don't forsee myself having them no time soon {no husband} so I get really sick of having to be tortured everytime a new mother get's preggers like she invented pregnancy or something lol
OMG WOW.... How exciting for you! What a blessing that you are creating a generation of greatness!!!!!
Blessings to your and your hubby!
Congrats to you and yours! First grandchild for the parents and your sisters get to have their first niece the spoiling I'm sure will be non-stop.
Congratulations!! How exciting!! One of my dear friend's and his wife just had another Diva...3 girls in total. LOL
hahaha @ the nordstroms dress story!!
CONGRATS SYB family!!! *i can have my drink now* and say "I'm good" ;)
Congratulations!! That's wonderful news!!
Congratulations, Tia!
Hi Tia;
Congratulations to both you and Adam. I am a great fan of your blog and believe it or not I have been hoping for you to anounce your pregnancy. I too, am pregnant with my first and can't wait to try the products that you have suggested. I am beyond thrilled. Can't wait to see what develops with the upcoming months. Isn't it exciting?????
As a fellow Park Sloper, you will soon join the other mommies in the neighborhood with strollers!
I'm sure you and your husband are going to be wonderful parents!! :-)
All the best and congratulations to you and your family. I was happy for you before your "official announcement" but now upon hearing that you've been trying for awhile, I'm doubly happy for you both. Cannot wait to hear how you manage to successfully navigate the beauty obstacles of trying to look like your glamorous self while preggers. And I know I'm not alone in wanting to see the fashion hi-lights of this journey, so pls post lots of pics! Congrats to both of you
congrats! my only word of advice as a mom is to take very, very good care of your skin. extra great, gentle care, because come your 3rd trimester, you face will look like braille.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I hardly ever leave comments but this news is just to good to not comment on!! I wish you all the best and nothing but love and happiness for your little bundle!! God bless!
Congratulations Tia!
Congrats! What great news! Selfishly, I am sad because I was pregnant last summer (my girl is now 7 months old) and I was *dying* for pregnancy beauty tips! Can't wait to see what fabulousness you unearth!
Here's my own tip: Weleda Body Oil. Best for preventing stretch marks. Not one on this belly. Not. a. one.
Also, for pregnancy chic (it's not an oxymoron), try
Best wishes!!
I have been reading you blog FOREVER and I honesty feel like I know you. Congratulations!!! How wonderful....
Congrats, that's great !!!!
Best news I've heard in the blogosphere all day!
:-) <3
Congrats Mama Tia! How all you people knew before she said anything, I'll never know? Maybe I'm just naive. I thought you were really getting the flu! LOL. Eat up and enjoy the quiet while you can!! Your house will NEVER be quiet again. NEVER. NEVER. Maybe in 20+ years but yeah... NEVER.
Tia, congratulations, that's amazing news!!! Now, I must ask for the obligatory pictures =)! Be blessed and enjoy every moment of this beautiful journey. Congrats to you and Adam!
Congrats to you!!!!
Congratulations Tia!!! I am soo happy for you! I wish you the best in your journey to motherhood! Please post pics!
OMGGG!!! Im really excited for you Tia, you are my number one favorite blogger, and I always appreciate your beauty and other misc. information and tips!
Hope your pregnancy is a smooth one, can't wait to hear more about the one on the way!!
That's wonderful!!
If you are 4 months, that means you are due around the holidays, right?
What a blessing.
Congrats! That little girl is gonna be heartbreaker!
I agree! She's going to be one cutie-patootie. Tell Adam get the shot gun ready!
I wish you the very very best Tia! :)
OMGGGGG we are so happy for you?!?! have you started thinking abaout names yet? this is epic! congrats!!!
Congrats, Tia!
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Tia! I'm so happy for you and yours:)
Congratulations. My dh and I are expecting also our first child also, I'm 6 months along. I share your excitement. We don't know what we're having but either way we're happy.
Congrats again.
Congrats TIA!!!! She's going to be BEAUtiful!!! Lots of love and well wishes to you and Adam :o)
Congratulations to you and your hubby! I'm so happy for you!!!!!
Congrats.! I'm so happy for you. I'm sure your baby will be beautiful!!
You little sneak! Congrats, your going to be a great mommy.
I am expecting month to month progress photographs missy. I want to see the mommy glow!
Congratulations on your little blessing! Such awesome news from an awesome woman!
A girl! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and Sunshine, Tia! When's the little beauty-shaker due? xx
I'm humming Nina Simone's version of "Brown Baby"... as I type this, CONGRATULATIONS my DC homegirl. I wish you and papi Adam the absolute BEST on becoming parents.
I've only just started reading your blog but CONGRATULATIONS!! Peace and blessings to you, your husband, and your little one :)
Hi Tia!
Congrats! I am so very happy for you and Adam.
Here's my 2 cents:
liquid prenatals, this is the one I took and it tastes great
and keep taking them after the baby is born, it helps with the whole postpartum hair shedding thing.
Mustela for stretch marks; even though some say that it is genetics that determine if we get them or not.
plenty of walking, it helps prepare your body for childbirth.
pre-natal yoga is also great for this especially if you plan on doing the whole natural birth thing.
and also plenty of water, fruits and green vegetables.
Take care
Congrats!! This is great news!
Hello Tia!
Congratulations!!!!! I am truly happy for you. I have two kids a 4 year old boy and a 3 month old girl. Who is absolutley gorgeous by the way. We have already made several mommy and me trips to Sephora! Check out her picture on my blog at Post title: Babynista.
Anywhoo..I highly recommend the Aveeno Lavendera Baby Wash and Lotion. I use this with my baby and massage her (you have to take an infant massage class) and she is so relaxed and falls asleep instantly. She will sleep for like 8 hours. This stuff is like magic! Also for stretch marks, I used good old olive oil. I have two kids and do not have one stretch mark. I used the oil as soon as I knew I was pregnant. It loosens the skins so it can stretch and it makes your skin just glow! Apply it on your breast, stomach, lower back, behind, and thighs because these areas tend to stretch.
Also I highly recommend taking a prenatal yoga class and a postpartum yoga class. The prenatal yoga definitely helped me with aches and pains and totally relaxed me. I know I wrote a lot, but I just love my kids and have so much to say!
Babies are such a blessing. CONGRATS to you and your hubby.
Congrats! Wishing you a wonderfully healthy pregnancy and a beautiful little girl. I have a 3 year old daughter and 1 year old son and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
Congrats Mami! Although I suspect this is just a ploy for you to purchase more potions and lotions for you and the little one! Know that we all share you and your family's happiness :)
Congratulations! Our daughter is truly the biggest blessing ever - I look forward to every day with her!
My advice - trust your instincts and you'll be fine!
Congratulations, Tia!
Again, I am thrilled for you. It was so cute when you told a few of us in LA that you were "a little bit pregnant". So cute!
Then you falling asleep by the pool and had less than an hour to make your plane... and you were totally calm, cool and collected! You will be such a great Mom. Most of us would have freaked, but your natural instinct to just take it in stride came though! This shows how patient and calm you of a Mom you will be.
And a girl!!! So fun to have someone to share all the girly things with.
tia...congratulations! you will make a remarkable mama...and your daughter is destined to have smooth cocoa butta skin forever!
(does back flip and hits head on corner of desk in office)
I'm so happy for you and Adam! Your parents must be thrilled!
And a girl! Lord in Heaven...the hair, Tia. The hair!
You must, must, must do a post about preventing (or treating) stretch marks. Those of us that don't have children but developed stretch marks while LOSING weight would benefit from that info.
Delighted for you both!
Congratulations! That's so exciting! I'm 5 months pregnant myself so I really appeciate the products tips. Congrats again on your little diva!
Congratulations Tia!! Welcome to the wonderful world of Motherhood. All the world is a wonder, when viewed thru the eyes of your baby.. enjoy the rediscovery. One bit of advice.. Always trust your instincts.
one of the best things to do during pregnancy is to keep a journal that you can share with your child when they are old enough.
Must have product: Johnson and Johnson's Natural Baby balm stick. Smells great and is super moisturizing for mom and baby dry skin breakouts.
YEA for you!
I use lots of baby products even though I don't have any of my own yet.
As for advice - I did nanny for an NFL player back in the day, and the little one used to love to watch Passions (my one and only fav soap) gotta find a show the baby will chill to! :)
Congrats TIA,, love u and your blog, I'm sure the Little SYB will be super FAB..
Awwwww, congrats Tia!!! That's wonderful! I don't know you but so happy for you and hubby :)
Hey Tia congrats again! But you know you can't post a pic of the most beautiful diaper cake with a chocolate pricess on top and not tell us where to get it for the mommy's to be in our lives?
Congrats Tia
Congratulations and a huge hug!!!! I'm so happy for you!
Congrats! I don't feel like you should have even explained the "dress" situation! those people were being so judgemental!
Congratulations on expecting!!!!
Yay Mommy!!!!!!! You are a friend in my head so I am truly excited for you!
I have a 4 month old angel lil boy... here is a list of all I love:
Okay first on the list is What to Expect When Expecting... Pregnancy Bible. Every week you can read how you are changing and any ailment you will have (and you will have it :-P
I also had the What to Expect When Expecting Journal in my bag and used it everyday.
We also liked You and Your Baby Pregnancy Week by Week Guide by Dr. Laura Riley. We read it every Monday to see how the baby was developing....
We LOVED BabyPlus. Read up on it but it basically is a prenatal educational learning curriculum...
We learned the baby's language too.
This way we can read what Jackson is saying to us and it is VERY accurate... You will learn your baby's cries but this is real accurate. is GREAT
Target has great maternity as well as Belly Dance in TriBeCa and Destination Maternity on 57th Street...
LOVED the Bella Band. You can wear your pre pregnancy pants and skirts for a LONG time with it.
LOVED Isabella Oliver maternity clothes VERY chic
Also loved the Pregnancy Survival Kit - in one kit is a pencil skirt, dress, top and yoga pants!
When the baby gets here - wear a wrap around your belly to get you back in shape. I wore Baboosh and it helped me lose weight real quick (month one so far 27 lbs. Breast feeding helps too)
I used Carol's Daughter "Sexy Belly" and Palmers for stretch marks too...
And FACE to everyone who was on you for returning that dress... for real :-P
CONGRATS HONEY!!!!!! I am sooo sooo happy for you and Adam! Can't wait to see you! xoxoxo
Congrats Tia,
Yet another thing we now have in common. I'm 13 weeks and hoping for a girl. Your little diva will be the most stylish baby ever!! Watch out Suri!!!
Congrats Tia!!
Children are best gift that you'll ever recieve. I'm mother of twin boys and lost 30 lbs during my pregnancy due that acute nausea, so understand! my advice to you is to is never take advice from people you don't value, like strangers on the street and get your beauty sleep now because you have none after Ms. Thang arrives!
oh, do your thang and be as active pregnant and don't sit around the house eating Nilla Cakesters.:)
Tia!! CONGRATS!! She's going to be a beauty, just like her Mom! :) CONGRATS, again!
Also... you are not really "eating for two". If you are not sick (like I was first trimester) eat very healthy (see what to expect when you are expecting food diary). I also stayed active and did water aerobics up until 8th month. If you nurse the weight will fall off (I gained 40lbs WHOA but lost 30 so far and my son is 4 months).
Everyone talks about "labor" and the pain (I gave birth all natural no drugs my choice. BUT I screamed for an epi at one point of course). BUT women rarely talk about the intense LOVE you will feel when you hold your little girl for the first time. Everything from when they hold your finger, to the way the top of their heads smell when they are born will MELT your heart and you will never feel a love like that!
Enjoy the ride!!! Hope you have a good baby like ours (he sleeps through the night and has been for a long time and only cries when he is hungry, tired or needs a change :-)
OMG! Congratulations! I def wish you a healthy, happy, beautiful baby girl. She will be so lucky to have you guys. I have no suggestions since I've never been preggers but wish you all the very best!!!
Well dabgummit! :) I am so happy for ya'll! We were married for 6 years before we were pregnito, but it was well worth the wait once our daughter got here. Let Adam rub that belly with cocoa butter and that will keep the stretch marks at bay. Also, walking daily at least 30 mins really helps with labor...I mean walking all the way up until delivery...
God bless you guys. I can't help you on the Halle rack; I had these thangs since birth. I'll bag mine up and sell em to ya ;)
Congratulations! You'll be a fabulous mommy and that mommy-to-be glow will increase your fabulousness exponentially!
Congratulations to the both of you!!! That is such exciting news. =) I'm sure your baby girl will be a beauty!
Congrats!! I am just finding your blog...(*I know, where have I been*)
You will be a chic Mommy to be!!
OH Congrats!!! even tho i dont kno u, ur the one who taught me evrything about im gonna forward ur blog to my pregnant friends. Im so happy for you
Congratulations! Baby wipes are also good for taking off makeup (an alternative to MAC's makeup wipes).
Congratulations Tia!
Congratulations Tia, that's wonderful news.
I've got a three year old boy who is definitely the most amazing gift I've been fortunate to receive. Advice? Well as cliche as it sounds, ensure you get loads and loads of sleep. Nothing prepares you for the intense exhaustion you'll experience in the first few months. Also, take loads of pics of your bump, as your pregnancy will fly by in a blur (although it won't seem that way at the time).
In terms of beauty tips I found that shea butter and olive oil worked a treat in keeping the stretch marks at bay.
But most of all, just enjoy. As someone else said here, you'll embark on the love affair of your life the day you meet your baby. And wow, you're having a girl too! I've always wanted a little girl, and often imagine myself sitting on a sofa with mini-me in tow watching girlie musicals such as Dirty Dancing, Grease and the Sound of Music. Crazy, I know.
Best of luck with everything. And I look forward to hearing your future pregnancy tales...
Mucho Congrats on your new addition. I am currently reading the Accidental Diva and i am loving it! Thanks for a great blog and a great book! You are definately my friend in my head!
Best wishes!
So excited for you! Daughters are a special gift. I'm the mother of two girls, 6 and 8, total divas but good girls. Get ready to be broke.
aaawww....congrats...i knew it! LOL! with that being said, enjoy all the moments being's not all fun, but you'll be glad you did! i have two kids (girl and boy), but my daughter was born first. she's 8 and she is a little diva--i love it! always in my makeup, my closet, etc.
take everyday as it comes, and don't worry about not knowing what to do, especially when she's all comes naturally believe it or not!
congrats again! :D
yayyy! Babies are such a blessing and she is definitely going to be a little diva!
congrats on the new beautiful bundle of joy! i know you will make a wonderful lil mama!
Congratulations Tia!
I am so Happy for you and your husband! Chidren are a blessing and your little angel is going to be perfect.
Congratulations!!! You'll be a wonderful mom with a beautiful family! This news made my day!
Congrats!!!!! *claps and squeals* that is beyyyyooond cool!!!!! I know you will make a GREAT mother!!!!!!! :)
Congratulations! Though I read your blog often I have never posted a comment (just 'cos I'm so lazy!) but had to wish you the best and say - fab coincidence. I was 4 months exactly on the 9th too!! Look forward to sharing the adventure with you and all the other pregnant moms/moms to be.
Congratulations!!! While I've not had the pregnancy experience yet, one of my first internships in college was working for a Beauty PR firm and one of the products I worked on was Belli a line of cosmetics for expectant mothers to make the process easier. The Elasticity Belly Oil always got rave reviews from the celebs we sent them to on curbing the dreaded stretch marks. I know your all about the products and this would be a great addition to your collection right now.
Oh and a diaper genie. That definitely helped out the smell issue in my house when my sister was born. Best invention ever.
Congrats Tia! All the best for you and your hubby!!!
OMG!!! Congratulations. I am so happy for you and your hubby. I've been following your blog for a while now. I wold love to send you some FREE shea butter,
to prevent stretch marks. E-mail me at if you'd like to try it.
Steph Hutchins,
Purely Shea
Congrats Tia, im sure she will be an absolute cutie
OMG!! *clapping and squealing* I've written to you a couple times and you've responded, i've been a fan of yours sense your first book, now theres going to be another you!! my sister just had two twin boys a week ago! I wish you and your husband nothing but the best of luck on your baby, shes gonna be so adorably fabulous!!
Congrats!!!!! Enjoy this wonderful, amazing time and the many years of motherhood to come!
Congrats on the baby!!! I'm not a mom so I don't have any advice but I do have tips on how you can get someone to babysit when the time comes(since those tips always work on me with my nephews and
Congrats Tia! I'm so excited for both of you on expecting your little princess! Can I just say these tips are absolutely wonderful, and I'm no where near expecting but have been taking notes. Thanks ladies!
How wonderful!!!! Being a mom is indescribable. I honestly don't think I can put it into words for you. You think your busy now? Just wait. Oh yeah , you'll get Hallie's boobs all right but with all the nursing(if you decide to ) it surely will disappear. I've never been this flat in my entire lol, but it was alll worth it. Our 15mth old is the boss of us now and we wouldn't have it any other way. Hubby and I lack sleep but who needs sleep when you have a little criter climbing over you and showering you with kisses?Every stage is different, every monument to be embraced and wait till you grow even closer to your husband. It's the last miracle left sweetheart. Oh yeah What to expect when your expecting, and The Girlfriends guide to pregnancy were my fav reads. Congratulations!!!!!! Get ready for the ride of your life.
CONGRATULATIONS Tia!!!!!!!!! We are all so happy for you!!!
Erin a@ Scandalous Beauty
Hi Tia,
I've just logged on after a little hiatus (no excuse, I know!), and just had to write to say how excited I am about your fantastic news. Congratulations! And, I'm happy that you and your hubby will be adding to our circle of beautiful brown people here in the Slope. Our numbers continue to shrink, unfortunately, but I still love my brownstone neighborhood.
Again, congratulations to you and your family; I look forward to following the baby news over the next few months....
Oooh look at the love in here!
Congratulations to you and your hubby. I hope that you have a happy, healthy baby!
Congratulations! How nice to be having a sweet sugar-and-spice little girl! *smile^
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