No more gym excuses...

Hi ladies,
Last night, at my darling friend Kimberly's dinner for her "August birthday girls" (yep, mine is Friday...27 yrs old, yet again), I stumbled upon a brilliant piece of hair advice. See, you guys are always asking me what you can do to preserve your 'do while working out. The problem is, mama does not work out. As you know, I don't like to move vigorously and/or perspire, so I'm never exactly sure what advice to give. Well, last night, my girlfriend Tina gave me the workout tip of life (there she is, with her fly little cut). First, a little about Ms. Wells. She's only TWENTY-EIGHT, and she's the CEO of her own, fabulously famous marketing company,Buzz Marketing Group. Basically, she consults huge companies about the needs, desires, and tastes of American teens (you'll love her recent, tres controversial essay on Gossip Girls in The Huffington Post). Anyway, aside from being incredibly inspiring, she also has great hair AND works out 4-5 times a week, so I trust her judgment. Before she works out, she applies Kemi Oyl All-Natural Cream Press ($5.95) along her hairline and kitchen, and wears a headband or scarf. Afterwards, she wipes the cream away, and her roots are as smooth as ever. I thought this Kemi Cream Press sounded too magical to be true, so I did some investigating...and it actually makes perfect sense. It's a super-rich blow-dry and pressing cream that serves as a no-holds-barred moisture barrier--which is precisely why it keeps the sweat away from your hair. Et voila! Try it...I'm dying to know what the SYB Babes think!
Your Tia
Hey Tia!
I think you posted the wrong link for the Gossip Girls essay from the Huffington links to that Paynes beauty supply store!
Just wanted to let you know cause I'm dying to read it. Love me some controversy in the mornin'!
<3 <3 <3
Hmm.. this sounds interesting. I work out pretty often and I hate to do so right after I've just flat ironed my hair. I have to look up this Kemi cream press asap... a headband alone doesnt always work!!
I saw her in Black Enterprise not too long ago..girl you know you have some fab friends!
I can't help SYB Babes on this issue. I workout 5 days a week and I'm a wash 'n go girl. I can say that I've put a deep conditioner on my hair before I hit the treadmill, and it ended up hella soft after I rinsed it out. I wouldn't have a choice either way-I swim pretty often as my "workout" (it's easy on joints and incinerates calories), and you MUST wash the chlorine out.
Tia-post some pics of the bump!
Thanks for this tip. I have been avoiding the gym like the plague this summer cause of the do.
I hope this works for me.
wow is everybody in your clique super cute, young and extremely successful? lol...this is a great idea...i'm going to definitely recommend.
Hey Mama!!
I have done that before with Kiehls Silk groom and used a sweat band around my hairline and got the same results. It's like wrapping your hairline LOL
Yup and in Essence too! How cool!
Thank you so much for this tip, I work out a lot and I really need a product like this!
I can't wait to try this! I have been wearing braids since I began my serious work out regime and plan to take them out in the fall, so I will definitely put this product to the test.
Thank you for such great advice.
This is what I was looking for for my post zumba sweated out hair line! Thanks!
Thanks for the tip and happy birthday.
This totally works! When I was relaxed straight I used an orange pressing cream a very very lil gel and tied it down during a dance class... Voila!
(PS - Small world I worked with Tina and she is fab! I loved her shoes when she presented)
quick question for you Tia -- for interviews at magazines, is it o to wear something with bare shoulders? i.e. a ruffly halter neck top? (not talking strapless)...thanks so much T!
Happy Birthday Tia!
thanks for the info.
have been trying to work out more. but, of course always concerned about the hair. usually end up slicking it back in a ponytail when it misbehaves. hope this works for me.
happy birthday!!!
Sounds like a good idea, but just wanted to pose a question. I work out hard (45 minutes of cardio followed by an hour of free weights), and I sweat HARD. Won't the combination of oil in my hair and sweat at my hairline result in unsightly skin issues? I'd rather have to redo my hair than deal with acne or other skin irritations. If someone tries this out, please report back.
Hey..I just stumble onto your blog...I love it !! I just started back working out
This is a great recommendation. I was just thinking I need to work out but don't want to sweat out my blow out and press. I will definitely give it a try!
Thanks I will try this out, I need something because i actually like working out. Im moving back to the NY and looking for a hairdresser (non-dominican) does anyone have suggestions?
im on it!!!
hey! so, maybe tia didn't see this yet. not sure when your interview is so, don't want to leave you hanging.
so, my advice would be no on the halter top. i think it's best that you look as professional as possible. I know it must be tricky going in for a magazine because you want to showcase a unique style. But you should always err on the side of caution in these situations.
So, you probably would be better off in a nice suit of some sort with a button up shirt under it and maybe you accesorize it with a nice scarf or you have a nice bag you can carry (like a faux alligator tote??) ala
if you don't have a suit: a nice knee length skirt with a button up shirt and cute shoes (pumps or close toed flats) would work. also a knit shirt under a blazer would work as well.
i think these are good examples (just templates to follow..don't have to spend a lot on a good suit):|50444|63848&mscssid=6dee6e792c05c4f9787ef595f42be6cc6xMnVNoV5aGWxMnVNoV5aGo200B1969BDE78E2923FED7830361A7D0D0AF0823904
hope this helps! good luck and let us know how it goes. :)
Thanks for the tip...will have to give it a try. And I'm glad I'm not the only one in the blogsphere who thinks Tina Wells is fly! Such an inspirational, beautiful young woman. I wrote about her briefly on my blog not too long ago.
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