Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A skin and a shame

OHMYGOD, girls, what the hell is going on with celebrity skin? Okay, fine, I've watched a couple seconds of Britney and K-Fed's current car wreck, "Chaotic," and even MORE brain-cell-sloughing than their musings on "screwing" and "being afraid to love," is Brit's ACNE. What? In the reality show, there are a number of EXTREME(ly uncomfortable) close-ups that all but put the cystic acne situation on full-blast--yet she chooses to forgo her access to all the finest dermatologists and fancy zit treatments. I don't get it. Unless she's depressed--at which time we're all allowed to let things go until an intervention is staged--she's got to put down the Cheetos and pick up the PROACTIVE. Popsters like Jessica Simpson and Alicia Keys wouldn't DARE submit themselves to a zoom lens without pickling themselves in this legendary blemish-blasting system (though Jess and Alicia had for-real issues, I can't speak for Diddy's new Proactive spokesperson status...sounds a bit to me like "I lost the child support case and haven't had a hit in a while--a couple mil? cool!").

Though fabulous, Proactive is a bit expensive, so if you can't afford it, I fully, FULLY stand behind NEUTROGENA'S ACNE ESSENTIALS line,which goes as follows:
* Oil-Free Acne Foam Wash
* Skin Clearing Moisturizer
* Skin Clearing Oil-Free Foundation (only if you must)
* Multi-Vitamin Acne Treatment allover
* On-the-Spot Acne Patches over existing zits (sexy!)

Somehow I made it through high school and college without a hint of a pimple, but when I turned 22 I was besieged by a soul-shattering case of adut acne. I was crushed, as it was my first year in New York--and my health plan didn't include dermatologists. But one of my colleagues at YM suggested that if I use the line for at least three months, I'd be cured! One note, a couple weeks in, your skin will start feeling quite dry. Hang on, muddle through, read the Koran...it gets better. Look at me! Seven years later and no zits!

(At least not on my face).



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're kidding me. Pro-Active works? Then why hasn't it worked for Vanessa Williams?

Do you use it?

1:11 PM  
Blogger Shelia said...

I thank God I don't have acne problems. I'll recommend the product to those I know need it though.

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For mild breakouts and acne I think that Bliss labs has a great product that zaps my spots in a day! It's called "See Spots Run" and I found out about it on http://www.palacinka.com. It's a site for beauty product reviews for women of color.

Also...believe it or not Milk of Magnesia dabbed on pimples and allowed to dry for a few hours also works miracles...go figure!

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am about fed up with finding an acne treatment that actually work. I tried proactive and the other mob called dinsdale www.dinsdale5thavenue.com with yet again no luck,


7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:53 AM  

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