Scalp craziness, solved

Hi girls,
I innocently walked into a Mizani event yesterday--you know, the groundbreaking brown-girl haircare line?--and left with the best hair of my life. So much so that, despite fighting off a deadly stomach flu--hence the sallowness and eye bags--I had to come home and immediately take a pic of my hair for my ladies (excuse the 70's porn quality, I took it with the "Photo Booth" thingie on my I-book). Let's get right to the point. The event was to launch Mizani's new Scalp Care, a new in-salon treatment for all kinds of scalp issues (dandruff, dryness, itchiness, excessive oiliness, etc.). It's absolutely ideal for girls with dreadlocks, braids, and weaves, too, since they tend to get product buildup at the scalp. The service starts off with the Scalp Care Pre-Treatment, an in-salon-only, pre-shampoo treatment that exfoliates dead skin cells and product buildup with salicylic acid, while moisturizing with tingly-zingy peppermint oil (you get a brilliant massage while all this is happening, too). SO exhilarating! After letting the treatment marinate under the dryer for ten minutes, then comes the super-creamy, luscious Scalp Care Shampoo and the incredibly moisurizing Scalp Care Conditioner, both of which contain dandruff-fighting pyrithione zinc, peppermint oil, and tons of hydrators (you can buy these, FYI, just not the Pre-Treatment). Now, most dandruff shampoos and conditioners leave your hair stiff, dry, and totally unmanageable, so I was FLOORED by the glossy majesty that was my hair. I'm talking the shiniest of shiny. Look at it! Also, my hair is usually a severely tangled trainwreck when it's wet, but Gala, the genius stylist/Mizani educator that treated and styled my hair, was somehow able to run a fine-tooth comb (fine-tooth, no less, not a wide detangling comb!) through my crazy wet hair with nary a problem. Girls, I'm sold. And I don't even have scalp problems. To find a Mizani salon near you, call 877-726-3624, or visit
Happy Hair,
PS...Huge shoutout to Gala, poor thing, who didn't know what stomach flu madness she was getting into when I sat in her chair. When she first started the treatment, I was fr-r-r-reezing, so she had the salon folks turn off the air. When she started blowing me out, I broke out in this insane sweat. I had the nerve to try to play it off like my early-onset menopausal attack wasn't really happening, but she turned off the dryer and was like, "Girl, you are not going to sit there and sweat out my brilliant blowout!" So she blew cool air on my face, someone handed me a croissant and an Evian, and all was well. Anyway, just wanted to thank Gala for dealing with my flu...and my hair...BRILLIANTLY.
PPS...Stay tuned for Monday, when I tell you all about my new IT CHICKS book, SIXTEEN CANDLES, which hits bookstores May 6th!!!
Is your hair natural or relaxed? I am so excited for the new book! I was showing my friend that I have all your books and we went to and I started screaming because it said you had a new book coming out soon! Congrats!!!
P.S. I would love to be able read more about the Accidental Diva ;)
Miss Mocha-
Tia is relaxed.
Tia I was in LOVE with Mizani when I was relaxed! Their relaxers were perfect for my hair texture and that rosewater moisturizer was the business!!
I love how you don't let a silly thing like the flu come between you and a beauty event! :)
I've never really had the inkling to try Mizani products, but I think I'll give these new products a try...
Oh and congrats on the book...I LOOOOVED The Accidental Diva (as a matter of fact I wanted to BE her for a little while, LOL!)
You look gorgeous n that picture, and so does you hair. I'm jealous LOL.
Your hair looks fabulous and your cut is bangin'. I know that you've posted your hair regimen before but I have to ask who cuts your hair, what relaxer do you use and what tips do you have for gaining length ? BTW - I think that I can attribute an additional 1/2" of sustained growth to putting my hair up at bedtime in the same cute bun you claim to sleep in nightly. Thanks and please, please, let us know who cuts your hair.
What a sweet innocent beautiful photograph. For someone who is sick, you sure look so gorgeously flawless, and that is not flattery in the least bit.
This Mizani experience sounds dreamy, but unfortunately I am trying to stay away from chemical laden products (sulphates, parabens, petroleum based ingredients etc). But the scalp exfoliation intrigues me, so I can see what I can whip up at home.
I hope you feel better hun!
First time poster, long time lurker:
Snap! That shine was so slick I jumped on the phone to Mizani to find out if they're up here in Canada...I don't even have a perm. My hair's in locs.
Finding one of their trained stylists requires this number: 1-888-322-1142 or their web site...
The number was busy but I sent an email. Was never into sheen until now. You rocked that look. And sick, too? That's an extra set of points.
Keep up the great work here!
Is everyone sick now. For someone ho is sick, you look great in that pic and your hair looks fabulous!
So cute, Tia. Might take a cue for my dreads...
Great post, once again, Mama Tia! I've been having the worst scalp issues ever lately, since cutting my hair in the short style a la Rihanna right now. And I've also been anticipating your new book, so I'm truly excited right now! And I'm also glad you're feeling better.
Your hair looks amazing as well as you also as always! I have made a drastic change also and cut my hair. It resembles the Rihanna pixie cut, but shorter, and I love it. I go to the shop every week but I just figured out yesterday it's not really required. I washed it, spiked it and flant ironed the longer part in the front. Recieved a lot of compliments, I was shocked.
Tia, I just pre-ordered the book. I'm so excited. You need to head ot DC for a book signing.
I can't wait for the book...I've been waiting for almost a year I'm really excited!!!!!
Thanks for this Tia, I really need something since I have a really bad dry scalp.
Your hair looks amazing, thanks for the tip. Also congrats on the book, I know it will be a huge success!
Wow, your hair looks amazing!! Joanne is growing back nicely! :)
Tia your hair is AMAZING! Please repost your haircare secrets to getting such amazing length! I am in a shoulder length rut. Also who cuts your mane?
mizani is the truth, no matter what i do to my hair in the weeks before i get a perm, once i get my touch up im great! one thing about mizani is it is definitely a salon-professional only product. i used it at home one time and got no result at all, and im usually pretty good and keeping up my hair in between treatments.
tia is the luckiest girl ever.
You and your hair are both BEAUTIFUL Tia!! I have been hearing a lot of positive things about Mizani, my friends are always raving about them- I'm going to have to find a salon and give them a try!
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