Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Roman Holiday

Hi ladies,
I'm back! Rome was positively transcendental! Le Sisters Williams ate and bonded and Sistine Chapeled and gelatoed until our Uggs begged us for mercy (there we are at one of the city's fanciest restaurants, Il Pagliacco!). The weather was cloudy, cold and generally tragic, but it didn't matter. We packed our days with sightseeing and good times, and after dinner, we'd crawl into bed and watch episodes of The Wire on Lauren's laptop. Heaven. Uh-oh, I feel bullets coming on. It's the only way to adequately describe my thoughts re:Rome. Here goes:

* Roman men are FAR chicer than the women. While the ladies wore a lot of accessories and prints, the boys strutted around town in snug little blazers, ties, artfully rumpled hair and impeccable denim. And they all had pouty red lips.

* Michaelangelo is unbearably sexy. I came to understand this while touring the Sistine Chapel. Any man that can manipulate his body in such a way that he's able to paint the hell out of an unimaginably vast CEILING gets my vote. Though I suspect he'd be more interested in Adam.

* The whole world is obsessed with Obama vs. Hillary. On a tour of the Colosseum (there I am, posing in front!), a sixty-something Irish couple drilled us for inside info on the campaign--and you wouldn't BELIEVE how much they knew about the race, the issues, and the drama. I mean, if someone asked me to name the Irish president (prime minister?), I'd be tempted to say Bono.

* Roman women embrace their curls! I saw nary a blowout during the entire vacay. It was so liberating.

* Rome has very few black people, so we were movie stars. At every turn, it was, "Scusi, are you related to Vanessa?" Um no, sir, but I got the right stuff.

* If you ever find yourself in Rome, visit Dar Poeta for pizza, and San Crispino for the best gelato in Italy, by all accounts (witness me and Devon/Brownie, trying to find it). And stay at the Hotel Lodi! It was off the beaten path, but very inexpensive...and quite cozy, if you wouldn't mind the lack of a proper shower (to be clear, there was a "washing station" in the bathroom, composed of a bidet with a showerhead stuck to the wall above it. We used a lot of
Mustela Baby Wipes ($10), if you get what I'm saying.

* I'd be reckless and wrong if I didn't share with you my favorite travel beauty products. Actually, my favorite part of vacay prep is assembling a product arsenal to keep in my bag! I love whipping out these fabulous little treats as I'm trekking around a strange city--they make me feel so pampered and jet-setty. Here are five of my favorites:


1.) B Fresh Deodorant Towelettes ($6.85 for 15): These disposable moist towelettes came in so handy, because I was wearing tons of layers (it was FREEZING), but then when we'd go inside, the artificial heat caused a bit of unsexy perspiration. They cleanse, they deodorize, and they come individually wrapped. Loves it.

2.) Stella McCartney Eau de Parfum Roll On ($15): I've said it a zillion times, yo. Stella is my absolute, hands-down favorite fragrance in the world. The blend of rose, mandarin and amber is just so sultry, clean, and feminine...and it smells different on everyone. Anyway, I carried this adorably portable roll-on tube (the size of a Sharpie) around in my bag, touching myself up on the wrists and behind my ears all day long. Rome will always smell like Stella to me. A wonderful thing!

3.) No Cooties Travel Spray ($9, good for 75 sprays): Loving this! I was NOT trying to catch a cold on this trip, and both of my sistresses were getting over a bug. So, on the plane to and fro, I constantly spritzed the air around my face with this incredible-smelling, air-purifying spray. Blended with essential oils, it somehow cleanses your immediate environment and protects against the transmission of airborne bacteria when sprayed in the air.

4.) EO Organic Hand Sanitizer ($4): This beauty editor favorite always comes in handy on vacay. EO's Organic Santizer seems much more glamorous than your standard drugstore variety. It's blended with essential oils (especially lavender, which is a natural cleanser) so it smells like a spa, and unlike the drugstore versions, it's seriously moisturizing. Great for an ancient city like Rome, which is covered in two-thousand-year-old germs that are crankier and more aggro than the strains found Stateside.

5.) Boscia Jujube Salve Stick ($16): My lips get so dry on the plane, so I LOVE this multi-tasking lip salve. It's blended with jujube fruit, macadamia nut oil, and licorice to smooth and soothe chapped, irritated skin. And you know how, during the day, your concealer starts to settle into your fine lines? Gently massage this stuff over the area, and your concealer is refreshed in an instant. Magical, no?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you had a fun time in Rome! My husband is Sicilian and this man knows how to dress. I feel like an orphan next to him sometimes!

1:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, you took me back!! I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE Roma!! It's my fav european city. Can't wait to get back.

5:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to Rome this summer and I'm already thinking of what to wear so I wont look like a tourist. I cant wait to try the food and gelato.

8:11 AM  
Blogger Calming Corners said...

Thanks for the update...you and your sisters are adorable. Welcome back!

8:31 AM  
Blogger April said...

I'm so jealous! I loved my time in Rome--but it wasn't enough!

Another travel beauty product I like is powdered toothpaste. You can usually get it at a Whole Foods/Central Market/Trader Joe's type of place. I don't check baggage (it took a LONG time to learn how to pack that light) and so my beauty liquids are severely limited. Powder toothpaste frees up a little more room in the painfully-small Ziploc baggie. Plus, one less thing that might explode in my bag!

9:40 AM  
Blogger Brown Girl Gumbo said...

It sounds like you ladies had a wonderful time in Rome!! Welcome back! :-)

9:54 AM  
Blogger Schanina said...

That cootie spray sounds revolutionary! I highly appreciate the recommendations for both traveling and packing. !Viva Roma! I can't wait to get my hands on that gelato! I am frozen treat aficionado (just see my blogger photo, lol).

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds Fabulous!

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad les mademoiselles had such a wonderful time. I love Rome. I love the No Cooties spray and I'm ordering that hand sanitizer now. Goodbye to the standard issue drugstore variety.

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

love the travel must haves!


12:30 PM  
Blogger From Gullah to Ghetto and now Ivory Tower said...

Welcome home Ms. Williams!!! I'm glad to learn that the 3Ws had a fabulous time in Rome. I've been traveling a bit and wish I knew about the atomizer that zaps germs. You and your sisters look adorable in the pics. Thanks for sharing your memories with us.

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcommee home. glad you got back safely! I was a silly me and posted on the older entry..but anywhoo-soooooooo jealous. I wanted to do my own travel foree and I must say I feel inspired to make that dream a reality.

quick question-I'm thinking of getting my hair cut, but I'm broke and i have very thick hair and I'm thinking of going very short. Any slightly affordable suggestions for a NY girl? Girls? Tia?


4:04 PM  
Blogger A*E* said...

So glad that your Rome trip was wonderful! I can't wait to be an international jet setter! (I gotta get my money right first!)

6:57 PM  
Blogger Ms. Jones said...

Wow! sounds like a fabulous trip. i just returned from a fabulous trip in Dominican Republic, and sadly I'm peeling! There is no way to disguise it...can't even use foundation...you can still see it's peeling. Do you know of any way to speed this process up? I used SPF 70, so I don't understand how I still ended up sunburned and peeling :(.

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you're back! I was Shake Your Beauty deprived!

And I don't get it, they thought you were related to Vanessa who??

8:43 PM  
Blogger All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

sounds like u had a blast. u write well. nice blog chk me out one day nd maybe we can exchange links if u like what u read

10:50 PM  
Blogger Mikaela said...

Wonderful post... and you ladies know if you need more travel/beauty tips to come check out my blog :)

11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back and thanks for the pics.
Product Junkie Diva

1:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're back. After looking at the lovely pictures of the sisters Williams I have to know what blush your sister Lauren is wearing. I covet that peachy glow that she has going on.

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

**** The whole world is obsessed with Obama vs. Hillary.***

Love it! Seems the Irish couple you encountered knew more about things than some of our U.S. Citizens.

**** Roman women embrace their curls! I saw nary a blowout during the entire vacay.***

Curly girls of the world - represent!

**** "Scusi, are you related to Vanessa?" Um no, sir, but I got the right stuff.***

Too cute. :-)

Thank you for sharing your Roman Holiday experience with us.

7:27 PM  
Blogger Mlle M. said...

Ah, your trip sounds amazing!! Thanks so much for sharing -- it's nice to travel vicariously with fabulous beauty products. :)

Kiss Kiss Beauty

12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO at the comments about Michelangelo! I'm glad you had a good time! I'll have to try that spray! Every time I travel the planes is packed with small children and, darling though they may be, we all know kids' primary job is to swap germs that they've picked up from other kids :)

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE seeing travel photos. Thanks so much for sharing. Paris is my favorite European city, although I've been wanting to visit Rome. Thanks for the product recommendations! It's hard to keep it fabulous when you jetset!


8:28 AM  
Blogger LeLe Hill said...

Roma is on my list. You ladies looked like you had a great time.
May I recommend a travel product I love. Phyto sells a travel pack with shampoo, deep conditioner and creme moisturizer.

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good travel ideas! i love the no cooties spray.

12:22 PM  
Blogger Joanna Schmidt said...

how cute are you in your uggs and pony tails?

9:32 AM  

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