Monday, April 24, 2006

Huge, fancy intern opportunity!!!

To all my aspiring beauty publicists,
Guess what?! My good friend and fellow "brown girl in beauty," Tiffani Carter, is an account director at one of the biggest beauty public relations firms in New York City--Tractenberg & Co (they represent all sorts of fabulous beauty brands, like Stila, Bath & Body Works, Mizani, and a SLEW of others). And she's looking for an intern to start ASAP! Here's Tiffani's job description:

"It's a fun and savvy beauty PR position working on my team to help in all aspects of beauty PR -- event planning, gift bag sourcing, research, and more. Job pays in credits only, not cash. Part-time and full-time available. Please send your information to the address below."

Tiffani D. Carter
Account Director
Tractenberg & Co.
116 East 16th Street
New York, NY 10003
212.929.7979 x2241
347.742.9875 cell

Good luck, my pretties!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh tia i wish i lived in new york! i'm dying to break into beauty PR! and tractenberg is such a great firm, best of luck to all the applicants!

7:10 PM  
Blogger princessdominique said...

Finally caught your commercial! Gorgeous!

10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I had an opportunity like that when I was in college. BTW, love the blog! First time visitor, but definitley not the last!

12:13 AM  
Blogger Tanya said...

Oh my goodness Tia....

Thank you, I've been looking for Tiffani for the last few months. Your blog never lets me down.


10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tia,
It's Courtney, who interviewed you! I am applying to this ASAP!\


8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tia, you have exceptional skin and hair!!! who does your facials in NY? and your hair?

1:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Tia,
I just want to tell you that I am Absolutely, Positively, in L-O-V-E with your site. Its so cute and so full of the stuff I love.... Girl Talk. I live in Michigan and happened to Google you after seeing you in your commercial. Needless to say, I wound up spending hours catching up on all the archived blog entries that I've been oblivious to up 'til now. Anyhow, I took the intern information and sent in my resume. I got a call back, drove 600 miles (from MI), got offered an internship, and am now desperately trying to find a way to make it work out so that I can move to NY. So... Thank You!!!!
Questions:1) Would you recommend a PR internship such as this one the best way to break into the beauty/fashion editing field or should I only pursue it if I am truly interested in PR?
2) Do you have any suggestions of things I should do in order to make it in NY (all of those kids I see begging on the streets for money to get home after their dreams don't work out scares me)
3) Are there any other cities where I can get into beauty/fashion editing? Chicago, LA, etc...?
4) I have a Communication degree, is there any work in the city that would suite me and help me to pursue my goals while I'm doing my internship?

I love NY, but its kind of intimidating when you come from MI. It is sooo different.
Thank You so much again. You are a huge inspiration. I can't thank you enough, I feel like I have a big sister coaching me along. God Bless!!!
p.s. I love the book. I've been telling everyone I know to check it out!!!

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
[url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
My homepage | Please visit

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you! |

3:58 PM  

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